
  • Hreem without any prefix or suffix is known as Shudha Prakriti, the seed or Beej mantra of Prakriti or Sakti
  • It is similar to Aum ( ), the Pranava, the Beej mantra of Shiva the Absolute consciousness.
  • Beej or Seed mantra is like a miniature reflection of the omnipotent form. It incorporates all reflected and subtle powers making it absolute.

The Hreem Mantra is a combination of subtle powers. Its depiction in Sanskrit scripts and its creation on grammar laws has subtle energy centers .
  • The syllable H (ह् ) denotes the absolute consciousness, Shiva
  • The syllable Ra ( ) which is joined with the half form of H () giving rise to the conjoined syllable Hra (ह्र ) denotes the creative aspect in form of Prakriti.
  • The pronounced sound EE( ) refers the conjoined form of Shiva and Prakriti in form of Sakti setting the illusion into motion in form of Mahamaya.
  • The Bindu ( ॅं ) pronounced as M denotes the dissolution of this Maya back to the absolute.
  • The entire Mantra ( ह्रीॅं ) has a Metre or Laya and repeated chanting creates a Nada or subtle frequency which makes one understand this entire process of illusion ultimately absorbing into the Absolute.

Hreem, references through various treatise

Atharva Veda , Hreem is referred to as Ekakshara Brahma. The 99th Namavali of Lalitha Trishathy is Hreem and there are 60 namavalies devoted to Hreem. Tantra texts inform that reflecting on the mantra HREEM, the Tantra Sadhak becomes aware of super consciousness and awakens the Kundalini at Mooladhara Chakra. This upsana is known as Vachaka mantra upasana. The Mantra through Tantra is understood as

  • Ha-kara (ह्) is Iccha Shatki or Will power.
  • Ra-kara () is Kriya Shakti or Application power.
  • I-kara ( ) is Jnana Shakti or Knowledge and Reasoning.